
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Self-Esteem

  Photo by JOSE LARRAZOLO on Unsplash The solar plexus chakra is all about self-esteem, self-love, and will. In a relationship, there should be a certain amount of self-esteem one brings to a relationship in hopes of triggering the same amount self-esteem, or greater, in the other. There are plenty of games out there that people play where the goal is to make others feel bad about themselves. This is not what the relationship I'm currently in is about. As our courtship became more intense, we felt the need to insert some guidelines in order to keep the relationship sustainable. I can't give the specifics of our decisions (unless you ask me directly) but we've found that having individual goals, as well as separate goals for the relationship has created accountability for each other, which we all need from time to time, as well as something attainable to shoot for knowing we have the support of another person. With this help, one can integrate themselves into the whole of

The Sacral Chakra: Creativity

  Photo by Lucas Benjamin on Unsplash The second chakra is the sacral chakra which is the source of creativity, sex, and passion. To address this aspect of our beings, we explore what we feel passionate about. Sometimes we feel passionate about sex, sometimes we feel passionate about our hobbies. We also try to support the other in the hobbies that we are passionate about, knowing how valuable it is to be true to that part of ourselves. I'm a writer, obviously, and like to express myself through words and symbols. Michael expresses himself through drawing and symbols as well and I try to encourage his sketching sessions as much as I can, noticing the positive outlet it is for him. By supporting each other in the things we are excited about, we find an ally in pursuing our goals...goals we never thought we could accomplish. It's quite something to be partnered with a peer who sees one for who they truly are and supports the quirky, sometimes crazy, aspects of the other. Just t

The Root Chakra: Foundations

  Photo by Lauris Rozentals on Unsplash The foundation of a relationship sets the stage for the entire relationship to play out in my opinion. Being very conscious of this fact, Michael and I began the business of building the foundation of our relationship. As hippies, we are very in tune with our chakras. The root chakra is the foundation for the six other chakras and for which we begin our journey. Our attraction began over philosophy. The ways we are able to talk about it together, our thoughts on specific philosophical points, have proved to be a solid foundation for a relationship as we have been able to get on the same page regarding our beliefs and how they shape our lives, finding we have many, many overlapping ideas and conclusions based on our own experiences through rigorous communication. Another aspect of the foundation is dictated by each of our specific sensitivities. I'm bipolar, he's OCD, so we have a lot of mental health work we have to do, and are very awa