The Solar Plexus Chakra: Self-Esteem


Photo by JOSE LARRAZOLO on Unsplash

The solar plexus chakra is all about self-esteem, self-love, and will.

In a relationship, there should be a certain amount of self-esteem one brings to a relationship in hopes of triggering the same amount self-esteem, or greater, in the other. There are plenty of games out there that people play where the goal is to make others feel bad about themselves. This is not what the relationship I'm currently in is about.

As our courtship became more intense, we felt the need to insert some guidelines in order to keep the relationship sustainable. I can't give the specifics of our decisions (unless you ask me directly) but we've found that having individual goals, as well as separate goals for the relationship has created accountability for each other, which we all need from time to time, as well as something attainable to shoot for knowing we have the support of another person.

With this help, one can integrate themselves into the whole of the population with their our case, we are softening the edges of the other in order to help people more efficiently. But the way we help people...the only words I have to describe are: think local.


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