The Root Chakra: Foundations


Photo by Lauris Rozentals on Unsplash

The foundation of a relationship sets the stage for the entire relationship to play out in my opinion. Being very conscious of this fact, Michael and I began the business of building the foundation of our relationship.

As hippies, we are very in tune with our chakras. The root chakra is the foundation for the six other chakras and for which we begin our journey.

Our attraction began over philosophy. The ways we are able to talk about it together, our thoughts on specific philosophical points, have proved to be a solid foundation for a relationship as we have been able to get on the same page regarding our beliefs and how they shape our lives, finding we have many, many overlapping ideas and conclusions based on our own experiences through rigorous communication.

Another aspect of the foundation is dictated by each of our specific sensitivities. I'm bipolar, he's OCD, so we have a lot of mental health work we have to do, and are very aware of this fact, which makes it an important part of our foundation: being aware of the other's mental illness and doing what we can to help support the other with their specific set of sensitivities and challenges.

The next aspect of our foundation that shapes our decisions is our sex life. I'm not going to go into detail as I consider sex a sacred act when performed by two consenting adults in a safe space. The point is we are able to get on the same page sexually, communicate our needs, and use patience and emotional maturity to help guide our experiences together.

The final pillar of our foundation relates to the way we treat each other. Each of us learned from our previous marriages that abuse does not equal love, so we are trying very hard to be aware of the way we treat each other to make sure we are not abusing the other in any way, shape, or form. We've simply come to a point in our lives where we believe we don't need to tolerate abuse in order to receive love. So we use gentility, benevolence, and patience when dealing with each other as much as possible.

These foundations have been set in attempt to help us each feel more secure in our relationship, as safety and security are some of the key tenets of the root chakra. As we establish these beliefs more fully, we find ourselves feeling more fulfilled in our relationship, and able to relax into the other areas of a relationship a little more, knowing the foundations for our relationship have been established.


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