The Sacral Chakra: Creativity


Photo by Lucas Benjamin on Unsplash

The second chakra is the sacral chakra which is the source of creativity, sex, and passion.

To address this aspect of our beings, we explore what we feel passionate about. Sometimes we feel passionate about sex, sometimes we feel passionate about our hobbies. We also try to support the other in the hobbies that we are passionate about, knowing how valuable it is to be true to that part of ourselves.

I'm a writer, obviously, and like to express myself through words and symbols. Michael expresses himself through drawing and symbols as well and I try to encourage his sketching sessions as much as I can, noticing the positive outlet it is for him. By supporting each other in the things we are excited about, we find an ally in pursuing our goals...goals we never thought we could accomplish.

It's quite something to be partnered with a peer who sees one for who they truly are and supports the quirky, sometimes crazy, aspects of the other. Just to feel fully accepted by someone who understands me, knowing that person will accept me no matter what causes me to want to be the best version of myself I can be in order to be worthy of that acceptance.

Sex is certainly an important aspect of any intimate relationship, but I've learned it doesn't have to be the focal point. It is necessary to have specific conversations surrounding the topic, consent is king in our world after all, however there is a way to discuss the act without diminishing the specifics of the act itself. I believe it's something to be venerated and cherished, both of which I feel when engaging in that particular act with Michael. There is so much respect and love between us, the warmth of it seems to soothe our aching souls, for which I am immensely grateful.


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